The universe of learning

The universe of learning

sábado, 2 de outubro de 2010

Working with games

Since I love working with games to revise structure and vocabulary I decided to talk about 2 game tools I learnt  in Edtech course I did Last May/2010( by Ana Maria Menezes) such tools I used quite often last semester. The first I'll talk about is what2learn . It's very simple to prepare and it offers many possibilities of game templates. I prepared this to my basic 3 group to revise vocabulary of 3 units.This time I'll talk about something I did with students. I posted the game in  Edmodo and after giving all the units I used the beginning of the class for them to play. It was possible to play it in class because we use an interactive board so everybody could take part. I queued them and one by one played the game. I gave sweets for the ones that got correct answers.

Play this game on the what2learn site

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